I get lots of people asking me "what's up with Kes?" Well, the simple truth is not much apart from the mind staples I gave her that is!
The reason being, she was getting a tad too big for her boots and I needed some way of controlling her telepathy without it being traced back to me. I had the EMH create a staple to block her abilities. Unfortunately, a side effect was that it worked too well and made her very laid back. She spent most of the time wondering aimlessly, as if she had inhaled a room full of tetracell white. She was obviously off her face, as she even began a relationship with my cat Felix.
After a while, she managed to overcome the staples and escaped, only to return when she realized who was responsible. I had to create a hologram of her just to stop her ripping the ship apart!
Anyway, all ended well apart from the fact I never managed to harness the telepathic abilities for myself. Belanna failed yet again in her duties.
omg TETRACELL WHITE hmmmmmm.