Mission Log - 'Emanations'
Another tell all account of the real version of events that Starfleet tried to cover up.
According to Starfleet records...
Whilst on a planet full of dead people, Harry disappears and is transported to another planet. It turns out, the people from this dimension use the planet Harry had come from as a place to send their dead. As a result, they believe Harry has come from the afterlife. He eventually uses the cenopath he arrived in to transport back to his own dimension just as the U.S.S Voyager is about to leave. The transition kills him, but luckily the EMH is able to revive the ensign.
What actually happened...
I set the whole thing up having read about the planet in the 'Kason book of Myths and Legends' I thought it was worth the effort, if only to be rid of Harry for a single day. No more homesick ensign crying for his mommy every five minutes. What I failed to take into account was that Harry, God only knows how, found a way to return just as I was putting my foot down on the accelerator. Unfortunately, Tuvok's sensors picked up Harry's comm signal and he beamed him aboard just before we got out of range.
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