
Kathryn Janeway, Captain of the Starship Voyager. I am here to tell all about Starfleet. Uncover the deception, the lies and the damn right incompetence at the heart of the Federation. Oh, and a few other things too!

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Unacceptable toy model.

I have just been forwarded the proof of me in toy form. This is what Starfleet think is acceptable as a toy? It looks nothing like me! It looks more like Chacotay in drag!

I think I'll be having some words with the peeps at Starfleet intel about how best to please a captain. I mean really? who would buy that thing? 

I mean what's with the hips? I've never given birth to a hippo - sideways! If that was representative, I'd get stuck in the turbo-lift doors! More importantly, what's with my shovel hands? How would I be able to hold Mr Happy and grip the trigger firmly for those epic battles 
during the Barneys sale?

Absolutely no thought in this whatsoever! Intend to send it back with a
 suggestion of where to stick it. If they release this onto the open market, I will be a laughing stock!


3 Responses to "Unacceptable toy model."

Anonymous said... 14 February 2009 at 05:58

didn't know they did star trek stuff in lego - cool

Anonymous said... 16 February 2009 at 15:06

If someone made a doll of me that looked anything like that, I'd demand an apology live on my T.V network and then some! I'd want a handsome contribution too! Maybe enough to set up a new office in Dubai!

Anonymous said... 18 February 2009 at 10:22

lol @ Annie!

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