
Kathryn Janeway, Captain of the Starship Voyager. I am here to tell all about Starfleet. Uncover the deception, the lies and the damn right incompetence at the heart of the Federation. Oh, and a few other things too!

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The real Chacotay...

Okay, if this is going to be a bare all blog, I should start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start. Dear old Chacotay was in fact more intelligent than a melon when he first came onboard my ship. 

Unfortunately, it was during a night in mid October when his head accidently collided with my hair bun that he lost the use the majority of his brain functions. If only Neelix hadn't walked in with my fresh mug of coffee at the exact same time as Chacotay was sitting down.

Oh barely a night goes by without me replaying the events of that horrific night, the night that caused the downfall of the Janeway-Bun! Oh and of course I'm really sorry about chuckles too, sent him a cake - a bun cake!


1 Response to "The real Chacotay..."

Anonymous said... 14 February 2009 at 05:59

Lol at Janeway's bun making Chacotay stupid - LMFAO

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