
Kathryn Janeway, Captain of the Starship Voyager. I am here to tell all about Starfleet. Uncover the deception, the lies and the damn right incompetence at the heart of the Federation. Oh, and a few other things too!

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Memory lane

There was this one time when I was bored and knew there was at least three hours before the nearest Borg cube was in range and needed something to take my mind off the wait. After much deliberation, I decided to see if Tuvok's theory had any merit. Surprise - it did!

For the plan to work, I had to wear this -

You can imagine I looked stunning in that getup - worked my thang! To make the plan work, I needed to sneak into Chacotay's quaters and place a smoke machine under his bed. Then wake him up by doing a little dance routine, chant a little and maybe bang a drum. In his sleepy daze, drool everywhere, I told him Harry would come onto the bridge carrying a pot of battery acid disguised as a coffee mug the following morning and that he would throw it in his face, disfiguring Chacotay for life. Then set off the smoke machine with my foot and beamed out using the smoke as cover.

The following morning, on my way to the bridge I made sure I asked Harry to pick up a cup of coffee from the mess on his way. To my surprise, Chacotay was already on the bridge and watching the turbolift like a hawk. I sat, pushed Chacotay's chair as far as my feet would kick it, and watched as the doors opened to reveal Harry holding the coffee mug.

Chacotay launched out of his chair and straight for Harry. Watching those two fight reminded me of my primary school days. Hair pulling,  name calling - crying! 

Of course, I know the question you're all dying to answer, well the answer is yes. Yes I did catch my coffee before it hit the floor! Sat back and enjoyed Kindergarten smackdown



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